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meet jac

Image by Silas Baisch

Growing up, I didn't feel safe in my home or in my body. It wasn’t until I started to repair my nervous system and feel safety in my body that I could start the deep healing I longed for to live more freely. I attribute my freedom from debilitating anxiety largely to bodywork and other somatic practices that have helped me find a loving home in myself and establish secure connection to others.


I am a Certified Massage Therapist (CACMT #96971) specializing in craniosacral therapy and trauma-sensitive bodywork.


My practice is resourced from over 10 years of trainings, personal and professional work. I am also a certified end-of-life doula and Reiki Level 1 practitioner, and I am a longtime student of meditation, breathwork, and yoga.


I love to be in the natural world and warm bodies of water, dancing, laughing, eating good food, and deepening connections.


It is an honor to witness and support you in your process.

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